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Marijuana Growers Insurance

Fire, theft, and vandalism are often underestimated, as many growers assume, “It will not happen to me.” Coverage to protect your cannabis crop is available for your indoor and approved greenhouse facilities. For a grower, time is money and our underwriters allow the grower to establish the value of their crop. For example, if the unforeseen happens right before your harvest you’ll want to be compensated for the product loss. How will you pay your employees? How will you relocate to reestablish your grow? We provide insurance products from well-known carriers to assist with these costs.

Growers Insurance Coverage

Cover Cannabis provides access to coverage for plants, grown indoors or in approved greenhouse facilities, in three stages of growth:

  1. Living Plant Material – Seeds, immature seedlings, flowering plants that are growing in your growing facility.
  2. Harvested Plant Material – Cannabis that is not on growing medium but may be drying or being prepared to be cured.
  3. Finished Stock – These are mature cannabis plants that are not in their growing medium and has been completely processed, ready for sale.

These stages of cannabis growth are distinct. A good growers insurance policy should be comprehensive enough to cover all of them.

Grower Insurance for Outdoor Cultivation and Additional Coverages

While covering your outdoor crop is not something that is widely available, there has been a movement over the past 6-10 months with markets becoming more willing to insure full outdoor crop and hoop houses. While outdoor crop becomes more available, we can cover your product once it is brought into a secure location for drying and processing.

The liability associated with running a cannabis farm can be significant. Accidents happen, in the event of a covered occurrence you’ll want to make sure your farm has insurance to pay for injuries, property damage, and personal injury. In addition, we have General Liability options for Herbicide/Pesticide/Fungicide applicators. Product Liability Insurance is essential whether you are a dispensary, cultivator, or manufacturer. You’ve seen it in the news! Cannabis operations are being required to prepare legal defense and prove their products are safe. In the absence of federally mandated procedures this is not an easy task.

Growers invest a great deal in their equipment and product and can also lose significant amounts of income when equipment fails and product spoils. Fortunately, you have options to protect your investment. Crop and equipment coverage are the most popular solutions and additional options are available to reimburse for loss in the event of an incident.

Our Expert Representatives Can Help

Because insurance coverage for cannabis is somewhat unique, new and often confusing, cannabis growers will benefit greatly from guidance on how to properly insure their cultivation from experienced cannabis insurance agents.

Cultivating cannabis comes with a variety of risks. It is absolutely necessary for any cannabis grower to have the proper insurance coverage to fully cover their business, decreasing potential losses and providing peace of mind. Contact us today and let us help you protect your cannabis cultivation.

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