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July 11, 2024 / Blog

Cannabis Insurance Coverage Gaps: Hazard for Businesses

Cannabis Insurance Checklist - Banner Image for Insurance Knowledge Gaps: An Unknown Hazard for Cannabis Business Blog

What Are the Coverage Gaps in Standard Insurance Policies for Cannabis Businesses? It’s a well-known fact that having basic liability coverage is not enough for cannabis businesses involved in cultivation, sales, and distribution. Standard general liability, property, and renter’s...

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July 10, 2024 / Blog

Innovative Marijuana Packaging and Cannabis Trends 2024

 A New Era in Cannabis Packaging Welcome to 2024, where cannabis packaging is getting a serious makeover! Gone are the days of bland, one-size-fits-all boxes. Today, it’s all about standing out, saving the planet, and, of course, not getting...

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July 8, 2024 / Blog

A Guide to Cannabis Delivery Service Insurance

A Guide to Cannabis Delivery Service Insurance

What Insurance Do I Need as a Delivery-only Dispensary? As the cannabis industry continues to grow, delivery-only dispensaries face unique risks that require specific insurance coverage. Here are some essential insurance policies you should consider: Business Auto Insurance: For...

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July 5, 2024 / Blog

Maryland Cannabis: 2024 Regulatory and Legislative Updates

What Are the Recent Regulatory Changes? Approval of Emergency Regulations In June 2024, Maryland’s cannabis industry saw significant updates. Emergency regulations were filed with the Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive, and Legislative Review on March 11, 2024, and approved...

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July 3, 2024 / Blog

DEA to Reclassify Cannabis: Major Shift in Drug Policy

What Does the Reclassification of Cannabis Mean? After years of speculation, the Associated Press (AP) announced a couple of months ago that the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) will move to reclassify cannabis from a Schedule I to a...

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June 26, 2024 / Blog

Ohio’s Journey: From Medical to Recreational Cannabis Sales

Ohio is moving from a medical marijuana market to one that includes recreational sales. However, the state’s approach differs from others, with uncertainties about the start date for sales and a unique priority for licensing. Uncertainty Around the Start...

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June 21, 2024 / Blog

California Smoke Shop Insurance in 2024

Smoke shops have become more than just retail establishments; they are gathering places where people socialize over cigars or cigarettes. However, with increased customer interaction and the presence of flammable items, smoke shops face unique risks and liabilities. To...

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June 19, 2024 / Blog

Cannabis Banking Protections Removed from Federal Spending Bill

House Republicans have recently removed a key provision protecting cannabis banking from a federal spending bill. This decision came just ten days after the bill passed a House of Representatives subcommittee. Original Banking Protections Financial Services and General Government...

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May 27, 2024 / Blog

Insurance for Oklahoma Cannabis Companies: Key Considerations

Introduction Oklahoma’s cannabis industry has unique features that impact how businesses in this sector operate and secure insurance. This article explores the specific insurance needs of Oklahoma cannabis companies and highlights the particularities of the state’s cannabis legislation. Oklahoma’s...

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May 16, 2024 / Blog

Cannabis Insurance Regulations for California in 2024

California Road Sign - Banner Image for Cannabis Insurance Regulations in California Blog

The regulations total more than 200 pages and can be read at the California Cannabis Portal. These regulations are intended to protect both the cannabis businesses and the insurance providers from legal risks and liabilities. Some of the cannabis...

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